Safety and Environmental Protection

We take our responsibility in the areas of occupational and product safety very seriously. This is described in our own Safety Manual. Our central occupational health and safety goals are 'Safe workplaces' and 'Safe plants and processes'. Because everything we do is future-oriented and responsibly geared towards sustainable development.

For years, the guidelines of the worldwide Responsible Care (RC) initiative have been an important element of our processes (see our certificate). We have derived our own RC corporate guidelines from this.

Environmental protection and sustainable processes are essential for us and an integral part of our daily activities.

Our Environmental Management system fulfills the requirements of ISO 14001 : 2015 (see our certificate).

We have set up our own sustainability unit (sustainability(at)lehvoss(dot)de), participate in the EcoVadis sustainability platform and have joined the UN Global Compact initiative. You can find, for example, our current policy statement on human rights and the environment well as further information here on our sustainability website.